Work on the Space.Cloud.Unit (SCU) project is progressing rapidly. At the end of last year, the team had started to build the world’s first blockchain-based marketplace for cloud storage, which will be funded through an ICO. On October 1st, the public pre-sale will start. Of course, the SCU managers are already thinking ahead and are therefore looking for additional developers and other cloud service partners in order to be able to also maintain the high impact rate in the planning, development and implementation of the SCU project in the future.
Duesseldorf, 25.09.2018 – The idea for Space.Cloud.Unit was born in 2017, in a small group, in the head office of dal33t GmbH, a company that, with its File Sync & Share solution “PowerFolder”, has been providing a proven product for over ten years. The idea for Space.Cloud.Unit was roughly sketched, checked for its feasibility and approved. More than 20 additional employees were gradually brought in to implement the project – crypto specialists, blockchain specialists, marketing artists, smart contract designers, ICO connoisseurs, IT lawyers, financial jugglers and many more. The implementation and help of such experienced companies as Blockchain Solutions, Kloepfel Digital or the law firm Winheller proved invaluable.
For the next development phase of Space.Cloud.Unit, the team needs to be extended even further. We are currently looking for developers, first and foremost Blockchain Developers, Network Managers and Front-End Developers. Further details about the positions are available via the contact form of Space.Cloud.Unit ( or by e-mail (
Other cloud service partners are welcome!
Space.Cloud.Unit brings together cloud storage seekers and cloud storage providers in a single marketplace. For the providers, this has several significant advantages compared to the models that are currently common on the market: This means that, not only is the administrative burden reduced by the fully automated processing, costs in marketing, sales and contract conclusion are saved. The implementation and tracking of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are easily possible, too, but access to completely new target groups also becomes opened up. This allows the provider to concentrate fully on their core competences. In plain language: The additional marketing of its offer provides advantages for
cloud space providers, in every respect and without much effort. Some cloud service providers have already confirmed their participation in Space.Cloud.Unit, as they are entirely convinced of the innovative and unique concept. Of course, other cloud service partners are always welcome! Interested parties can contact the SCU team directly – either via the contact form of the Space.Cloud.Unit ( or by email at (