Dusseldorf-based dal33t GmbH, developer of the file sync&share solution PowerFolder, has announced that it will be uncovering a surprise at the “Workshop on Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing” (CS3), which takes place from 29th to 31st January 2018 in Krakow, Poland.
The “Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing Conference” (CS3) is taking place for the fourth time and this year, after Geneva (2014), Zurich (2016) and Amsterdam (2017), Krakow was chosen as the venue for the neutral platform for the manufacturer-independent exchange of ideas and information. The numerous workshops of the three-day event will include presentations and discussions about file sync&share solutions and concepts, as well as their improvements and users’ practical experiences. There will also be a special focus on scientific and technical applications and environments.
On the second day of the event, dal33t’s CEO, Christian Sprajc, will present his innovative concept of a “Blockchain powered Open-Source Cloud-Space Marketplace”, which is currently being developed under the title “Space.Cloud.Unit”. The 20-minute talk will take place on January 30th at 4.35 pm in the AGH Computer Science Building D-17. Details of this exciting topic will soon be made available via the relevant press and media channels.
Link to CS3: http://cs3.cyfronet.pl