Currently, the PowerFolder cloud is migrating to new, larger and more powerful servers. Therefore, there may be short-term restrictions on service until May 27th. In addition, the PowerFolder cloud is now accessible via IPv6.

Due to the strong increase in user numbers in recent years, Düsseldorf-based dal33t GmbH, developer of the File Sync & Share solution PowerFolder, has now begun with the move of the PowerFolder cloud to new, larger server at data center operator Hetzner Online from Nuremberg. With the near doubling of storage capacity and the faster processors of the new servers, the PowerFolder cloud is well prepared for the future. As a result of the move – which will be completed by May 25 – there may be short-term cloud accessibility issues; but these will only take a few minutes each.


PowerFolder cloud now available via IPv6

For a long time, the basis for any data exchange and communication on the Internet was the Internet Protocol “IPv4”. In purely mathematical terms, this means that four billion Internet addresses can be allocated – which seemed to be sufficient just over 30 years ago, when this standard was developed. In the meantime, however, the pool of addresses has been completely used up, mainly due to the sharp rise in global user numbers and the proliferation of mobile devices. The last IPv4 addresses were already issued in 2015 in North America.

Remedy is to create the IPv6 standard, which can provide several hundred sextillion addresses. However, as not every hardware is able to communicate via IPv6, the conversion is done gradually; For example, most access providers (such as Vodafone, Telekom or Unitymedia) also offer parallel operation of IPv4 and IPv6 (“dual stack”).

Among those already equipped for the new standard is also PowerFolder: The cloud is now accessible via both IPv4 and IPv6.