More and more companies, universities and other entities of the public sector use Cloud based solutions to protect, exchange and sync important documents. PowerFolder provides a secure European cloud hosted in Germany, under the strict German data protection law. Naturally the PowerFolder Cloud transfers and stores files encrypted to make sure that files and folders are always secure and protected by a granular permission system.
Now PowerFolder takes the next step forward and integrates the Malware Protect of Avira – for the user this results in even more security for their documents.
Many Companies and institutions have a security problem when it comes to their own IT – Their users. They bring their own USB drives / external hard drives and since BYOD (Bring your own device) has become a relevant topic – their own Smartphones and computers. Along with them often comes Malware which can in many cases spread out within the company via many ways. One of this ways is the cloud which is used for backup but also for exchange of files and is supposed to increase security but sometimes can become a risk as well.

And at this point PowerFolder Cloud Malware Protect can help your company to remain secure. It scans the files in the cloud before they can reach other devices, removes threats and even protects your email communication if you use the PowerFolder Outlook Add-In.
With always the latest malware definitions Avira, reliably finds and removes all kind of trojans and viruses. This way companies can follow their BYOD strategy while adding an extra layer of security with just a few clicks and no additional maintenance.
Christian Sprajc (CEO of PowerFolder):” For Powerfolder users our partnership with Avira is a big advantage, they can now rest assured that their cloud will not distribute existing malware. Beyond this private computers will not bring new malware into the company and endanger documents and computers.”
Cloud Malware Protect only costs 3.90 Euro per month and with a yearly subscription the customer can even save 2 month. Partner and resellers of PowerFolder and Avira will get an additional ten percent discount on all PowerFolder products. And early adopters can even get better conditions with a 35 percent discount on 1 TB PowerFolder Cloud products with Cloud Malware Protect.