Version 11 of PowerFolder is coming closer with huge steps and we have the first of two planed EAP versions ready for interested users.

IMPORTANT!: EAP versions are NOT for usage in productive environments

Get the EAP Version for Windows
Get the EAP Version for Linux
Documentation for federated clouds (EAP 11 version)

In the current Version (EAP1) the following features are available:

1. Federated Server
The possibility to connect multiple independent PowerFolder services. Learn more

2. Reseller Organisations
It is now possible for specified non-admin user to create and manage own organisations 

In the next Version (EAP2) the following features will become available:

1. Full Federation 

2. Integrated encrypted storage

3. Many more improvements 

Both versions are NOT intended for usage in productive environments, they simply are supposed to give users the possibility to get an impression of version 11 of PowerFolder and provide feedback.