After a long test period PowerFolder – as the only German provider of cloud and Sync & Share solutions – offers now an integrated web-based document editor. For this purpose, the company from Meerbusch has integrated parts of the proven ONLYOFFICE.

Meerbusch, April 20, 2016 – After a year of intense beta testing PowerFolder has completed the integration of the Document Server of ONLYOFFICE into its proven Sync & Share solution. From now on users can edit their documents, spreadsheets and presentations stored in the PowerFolder cloud, without having to leave the PowerFolder interface and start an external office software. Thanks to this feature – that PowerFolder offers as the  only German Sync&Share solution – the work with PowerFolder has become more comfortable.  After a thorough evaluation, PowerFolder chose ONLYOFFICE because of its great compatibility with existing Office products.

PowerFolder more comfortable with ONLYOFFICE

With PowerFolder, the last version of user documents is automatically saved in the cloud and is available from anywhere, anytime; not only for the users themselves, but also for all authorized colleagues, employees or students that have access to the relevant directory. Due to the recently integrated ONLYOFFICE Document Server it is now possible to edit documents directly in the cloud. Simply click the relevant document, spreadsheet or presentation and ONLYOFFICE starts within PowerFolder; a separate installation on the user device is not required. Very useful: multiple users can edit a document online simultaneously from different locations, each author’s changes are always shown in a different color. The integrated comment and chat features make cooperation easier. PowerFolder including on-premise solution offers the support for the latest version of ONLYOFFICE Document Server with all its advantages since version 10.5.


ONLYOFFICE (formerly Teamlab Office) is a multifeatured online office suite for business collaboration, document and project management. It includes an online office application for working within a browser allowing to edit and comment text documents, spreadsheets and presentations in real time. All major file formats are supported, including Microsoft Office formats. The online office application is integrated with CRM system, a project management toolset, and an email server.  ONLYOFFICE started out in 2009 and has been translated into 21 languages.


About PowerFolder

The German company dal33t GmbH based in Meerbusch near Duesseldorf successfully develops and distributes its File Sync & Share Solution PowerFolder since 2007. The offer ranges from public, private and hybrid cloud solutions (EFSS). With high individualization options it optimally addresses customer needs. More than two million users worldwide, thousands of companies and most of the German universities use PowerFolder. PowerFolder users can access organization files from anywhere, collaboratively edit and share them with internal and external users – on any device. Safety and security is the top priority. The data is always encrypted and stored according to German data protection regulations on German servers or on premise. PowerFolder is promoted by the Federal Ministry of Economics and has been awarded the seal “IT Security Made in Germany”.