The company dal33t GmbH, the firm behind PowerFolder, is offering a deal that makes the switch for ownCloud users that want to move to its German Sync & Share service even more attractive: just half price for the first year. To take advantage of this superb offer, anyone wishing to make the move simply has to produce evidence of an existing ownCloud user agreement.
Owing to the events of recent days, concerned ownCloud users can now take advantage of a special offer when they switch to the German Sync & Share provider PowerFolder: For the first year, they will only have to pay half the usual price. Customers from the EDU sector can even convert an existing ownCloud license for the first year entirely for free. In both cases, a currently valid ownCloud user agreement simply has to be informally shown to PowerFolder by the end of June 2016. Anyone who registers by emailing contact (-at-)powerfolder.com now can secure the conditions if they take up the offer by the end of the year.
As one of the very first Sync & Share solutions and with nine years of proven performance in the market, PowerFolder has shown itself to be a leader in its field. Profitable from the outset – thanks to a sustainable and stable business model – it has grown steadily. Today, it serves over two million users, more than 900 – partially spectacular – corporate clients and more than 100 universities at home and abroad, all of whom know they can rely on PowerFolder. Christian Sprajc, CEO of the family-run dal33t GmbH, the company behind PowerFolder said, “We are very proud of having built up PowerFolder into a leading brand in the IT industry. With PowerFolder, you get a tried and tested European Sync & Share solution that is ‘Made in Germany’, and that you can firmly rely on in the future”. A fully functional, 30-day trial version is available at www.powerfolder.com.
About PowerFolder
The German company dal33t GmbH, based in Meerbusch, near Dusseldorf, has been successfully developing and offering file Sync & Share solutions under the brand name PowerFolder since 2007. Its range of products includes both public, as well as integrated private cloud solutions (EFSS) as individualised on-site services. Over two million users worldwide, most of Germany’s universities and thousands of companies use PowerFolder. PowerFolder users can access their files from anywhere and edit and share them together – also on mobile devices, via the PowerFolder app. Security is the absolute top priority: data is always encrypted and stored according to German data protection regulations on servers located in Germany. PowerFolder is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and has gained the official “IT Security Made in Germany” seal of approval.