News on PowerFolder Enterprise Sync and Share

We continue to optimize our system!

Due to an upgrade to even more powerful hardware to further optimize the performance of our PowerFolder cloud, its availability may be affected until midday Thursday (16.4.). We are endeavouring to complete the work as quickly as possible and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Corona-Hilfe: PowerFolder bietet seine Cloud kostenlos an

Seit nach dem Ausbruch der Corona-Pandemie immer mehr Unternehmen ihre Mitarbeiter ins Home Office geschickt haben, ist die Nachfrage nach Cloud-Diensten sprunghaft angestiegen. Der deutsche Cloudspezialist PowerFolder aus Düsseldorf will helfen und bietet einige seiner PowerFolder-Cloud-Produkte daher für die nächsten sechs Monate kostenlos an.

Düsseldorf, 01.04.2020 – Die „PowerFolder Cloud“ mit maximal 20 Nutzern (mit je 50 GB Speicher pro Nutzer) oder das Paket „Enterprise On-Premise“ – in dem PowerFolder vom Unternehmen auf eigenen Servern gehostet wird – mit einer unbegrenzten Zahl von Nutzern für das nächste halbe Jahr kostenlos einsetzen. Das ist das Angebot von PowerFolder, der bewährten Content Collaboration Platform (CCP) aus Düsseldorf. CEO und Gründer Christian Sprajc: “Da wir schon lange vor der Corona-Krise auf Home Office gesetzt haben, sind wir aktuell gut aufgestellt, bei uns laufen die Arbeiten unvermindert auf Hochtouren. Daher wollen wir all jenen, die unsere sicheren und lange erprobten Cloud- und Collaboration-Produkte jetzt dringend benötigen, diese kostenlos anbieten.“

Beide Angebote sind erst einmal auf sechs Monate begrenzt und münden nicht automatisch in ein kostenpflichtiges Abo. Interessenten, die PowerFolder anschließend weiter nutzen wollen, können sich dann entweder auf die (wesentlich kleineren), ebenfalls kostenlosen Einsteigerpakete zurückstufen lassen oder eines der kostenpflichtigen Angebote wahrnehmen.    

Eine besondere Offerte gibt es für die Schulen: Die nämlich bekommen einen kostenlosen Zugang zur PowerFolder Cloud (, bei 50 GB Cloud Speicher pro Nutzerkonto. Christian Sprajc: „Wir sind schon seit vielen Jahren im Bildungswesen aktiv. Zu unseren ersten Kunden gehörten vor vielen Jahren die luxemburgischen Schulen, mittlerweile nutzen die Mehrheit der deutschen Hochschulen PowerFolder. Da möchten wir in der derzeit angespannten Lage, wo die Bildungseinrichtungen im Land  geschlossen sind, mit unserer sicheren und leicht zu bedienenden PowerFolder-Cloud Schülern und Lehrern bei der Fortführung des Unterrichts via Internet helfen.“

Bereits Mitte März hatte PowerFolder unter der Schirmherrschaft des Bundesverbandes IT-Sicherheit e.V., TeleTrust, zusammen mit anderen IT-Firmen kostenfreie IT-Sicherheitslösungen angeboten, was auf ein breites Medienecho gestoßen war. Die neuen kostenlosen PowerFolder-Angebote können unter bezogen werden.

We optimize our system!

Due to a move to more powerful hardware to further optimize the performance of our PowerFolder cloud, the accessibility of individual directories may be impaired for a short time. We try to finish the work as soon as possible and apologize for any inconvenience.

PowerFolder 14 SP10 released


PowerFolder 14 celebrates a round birthday, because now the PowerFolder development team has released version SP10 – again with numerous improvements and some bugfixes. Thus, the developers of the more than ten years proven Content Collaboration Platform (CCP) from Düsseldorf maintain their monthly number of strokes.

As already in the PowerFolder version 14.9 of October, the focus of the sprint was again on the administration and federation functions, but also the handling via the web interface was improved. For example, the web upload speed has been increased or previous file versions can now be restored on the web. And finally, Dashboard and Server combine the memory information of all memories in the web interface. Other improvements include a federation timeout problem when logging in, the addition of Accessibility and Cookies Policy tabs in the Web footer, the calculation of the amount of data in the quota bar, and the last login information in the user account. Also, if the account is not yet activated, an activation email will now be resent during password recovery.

Fixes also included minor problems with uploading large files to encrypted folders and uploading many folders and files at once, the “Upload Complete” message, sending email notifications from the upload form page, and invitations to LDAP accounts.


Version 14 also has a birthday!

Today, about a year ago, in November 2018, PowerFolder had fully completed the release jump from version 11 to version 14. One of the most important innovations at that time was the complete new development and redesign of the user interface (“Picasso”), which not only looks much more appealing and modern, but also brings a lot of new features and improvements – such as the r esponsive design, the multi-select- and the new “Picasso” user interface.Functionality for file operations or a new overview page for admins that provides all important information at a glance.

Integrated into version 14, D2D Connect is also a solution that enables reliable and secure synchronization of data between mobile devices. For example, employees of a company can securely exchange data at trade fairs, even if the network is overloaded – or information can be passed on by relief organizations in the event of a disaster or in areas without network coverage.

Other important new features of version 14 include the complete integration of PowerFolder into the operating system – and the resulting further increase in performance – as well as improvements in accessibility, document processing and drag & drop functionality.

Additional maintenance

Due to additional maintenance required to optimize the performance of our cloud, a small portion of our servers is currently unavailable to some users. We therefore ask for your patience and understanding – thank you very much!

Maintenance work on the cloud

In the course of the update to the now finished PowerFolder version 14.10 we are currently performing maintenance work on our cloud. Therefore it is from Thursday, the 14.11. to Friday, the 15.11. at times only limited or not attainable. We ask for your understanding.

PowerFolder 14.9.0 released

The PowerFolder development team has successfully completed the 18th Sprint; the Content Collaboration Platform (CCP), proven for more than ten years, has now reached version level 14.9.0. In addition to numerous small bug fixes, the focus this time was on improvements to some administration and federation functions.

The PowerFolder development team is gaining more and more momentum: The 18th Sprint – as a work section for implementing new product functionalities is also called – was the most productive in PowerFolder’s more than ten-year history; never before have improvements been implemented and bug fixes been ticked off.

Among other things, access to certain folders has been simplified in the administration functions, some federation functions have been optimized for operation in large scenarios, and trash can functions have been repaired.

In the “Bugfixes” section, minor problems and inconsistencies with special characters in subdirectories, downloading files larger than 2 GB, recovering multiple files simultaneously, and the password field on the upload page have been fixed.

PowerFolder has now reached the current version number 14.9.0.

Expansion of our infrastructure

Together with our service partner Hetzner-Online, we are planning to expand our infrastructure. Due to the associated work, the PowerFolder cloud will be partially unavailable from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on 10/15/2019. We ask for your understanding.

Unscheduled maintenance work

Due to unscheduled maintenance work to optimize and further improve the performance of our servers, access to the PowerFolder cloud is currently restricted for some users. The work is expected to be completed by Friday afternoon. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Maintenance work on Monday

Due to maintenance work to optimize and further improve the performance of our servers, access to the PowerFolder cloud on Monday, 29.07. may be restricted for several hours. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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