A Selection of our customers

Das KIT nutzt unsere Private Cloud und betreibt damit einen landesweiten DienstDMT DMT rrze bildungscloud in bayernPRivate cloud für die Wissenschaft
PowerFolder as a Cloud (SaaS)
contact us and find out what we can do for you
See the sync and share features
ZUsammenarbeit mit EFSS Sync und Share schafft raum für Kreativität

More space for your creativity thanks to our sync and share solutions

PowerFolder helps you to focus on what matters most – your product and services. PowerFolder automates and simplifies processes, eliminating duplicated work. And as a cost effective Sync, Share and Backup solution, PowerFolder will enable you to focus more.  Nobody will need to ask “Where is my data?” ever again.

  • Helps to simplify processes

  • More automation

  • Focus on what matters most

Protect your data and take control – quickly and easily with our private cloud

With PowerFolder Enterprise Sync and Share, you protect your business from data loss, as well as unauthorised access to critical documents. With the private cloud, your data is always in your hands and only you decide who can access it, when and for how long. With rights management, encryption, backup, file versioning and password protection on links and e-mail attachments, PowerFolder is a secure solution that ensures all activity is fully traceable.

  • Extensive rights system with remote deletion

  • Encryption for storage and transmission

  • Protect links by expiration date / password / download limit

Sync share und backup schützt ihre Daten und dokumente
Sync Share Lösungen für Unternehmen (EFSS)

Efficient sync and share technology that improves your teamwork

With PowerFolder file sync, your employees will be able to work more efficiently, easily, and securely from anywhere. Whether on a laptop, tablet or smartphone – your employees automatically have the latest documents at hand, wherever they are, to share them with colleagues and customers or work on together at the same time.

  • Real-time collaboration

  • Shared online document editing

  • Automatic synchronisation

Strengthen your team and your partners through better collaboration in the private cloud

PowerFolder provides a centralised system that enables you and the employees within your team to work and interact with documents more efficiently. Mandate capability and federated cloud technology make it easy and fast to map even complex global enterprise structures with multiple server locations.

  • Secure data exchange across company boundaries

  • Connection to multiple independent private cloud systems

  • Design processes along your value chain

Your PowerFolder private Cloud connects you with the world

PowerFolder connects you to the world easily and securely. Whether file sync & share or backup, distributing documents worldwide or collect them in one place – PowerFolder helps. Work limitlessly over mobile devices and computers with the most up-to-date documents – PowerFolder is the solution.

  • Cross-system collaboration – even on mobile devices

  • Send files of any size from Outlook

  • Always have the most up-to-date documents at hand

Sync und share durch den Bund gefördert
IT Security made in Germany unsere Private Cloud für sync & share
File sync und backup aus deutschland für europa

Your Documents available on any device

  • Automatic synchronization on your computer
  • On your tablet as an app
  • On your Android or Apple smartphone
  • From everywhere on the web
  • With file versioning / as backup

IT security from Europe

  • Hosted on your hardware or as cloud

  • Encrypted stored
  • According to German / European law
  • ISO / IEC 27001 data center
  • Server location: Germany

Edit Office documents

  • Create Word documents
  • Create Excel spreadsheets online
  • Work together with others
  • Create presentations without PowerPoint
  • Real-time collaboration

Secure, private file sharing

  • Share files and entire folders with others
  • Only visible to selected people
  • Create password-protected links
  • Encrypted transfer
  • Encrypted and protected  storage

Give your IT an easy life

  • Integrate with existing IT  (LDAP / AD / SAML/ File-Servers / Storage)

  • Very fast setup and migration (no data migration needed)

  • High performance, compressed, multi-source and “Delta-sync” transfers

  • Support for multi tenancy /organisations / groups

  • Load Balance / HA Cluster and Inter- / Meta- Cloud exchange

  • Highly customizable to match your requirements

  • Technical Support tailored to your needs via all available channels

Take care for your colleagues and customers

  • Easy to use and highly automated

  • Simple use of file versioning, backup and restore

  • Optional self service for organisations , based on multi level permission system

  • Automated roll out and configuration based on profiles

  • No need to to save to a special path (any folder sync)

  • Easy and intuitive collaboration on documents and files

PowerFolder as a private Cloud in your company

PowerFolderas as a efficient sync, share and Backup solution for your company at a price lower than 2€ per month/user. Including premium support and updates
Get your Private Cloud solution now

Millions of times in use in the economy, in research institutions and at universities

PowerFolder is a secure and reliable synchronization, sharing and backup solution. As such, PowerFolder allows:

  • Create and edit Office Documents
  • Working together on documents in real time
  • Synchronize data between your own computers and devices
  • Having your own documents always and everywhere at hand
  • Work on files with other users
  • Share documents as a link with other users
  • Send any large documents via email / Skype / Messenger
  • Create a backup with our file versioning 
  • Share large documents with clients and colleagues
PowerFolder is a secure solution because:

  • Data is encrypted (SSL / AES / RSA)
  • Data is stored encrypted multiple times
  • Regular safety audits are carried out by specialists, by external services and German universities
  • The data for the cloud will be stored on an ISO / IEC 27001 data center
  • You can operate PowerFolder can  as a private cloud.
  • In high-security scenarios even within a VPN / Intranet without connection to the Internet.
  • Links can be protected by passwords / expiration date / download limit.

PowerFolder is a secure solution because:

  • Due to file versioning, data cannot be accidentally deleted
  • Even previous versions can be restored again without much effort
  • Any file that has been transferred exists as a backup
  • The user can resume work on a new device within minutes.
  • Users can be excluded or removed
  • Transactions in the private cloud remain traceable
  • Data can be removed by selective remote deletion to prevent the access by unwanted persons.
  • The rights system protects your data
PowerFolder can be used on any device that has a web browser of the current generation. For automatic synchronization and for you to be able to use all functions, a client is recommended. Our clients and apps are available for:

  • Windows (7,8,10 and server)
  • Mac OSX (Apple computer)
  • iOS (iPad / iPhone)
  • Android
  • Linux
  • In addition, PowerFolder can also be integrated as a webDAV directory.
PowerFolder uses its own protocol and is therefore able to transmit data very efficiently.

The advantages include:

  • Data is compressed before being transferred. This shortens the transmission time
  • Data is compared during file updates and only then is the part of a file that has actually changed
  • Files can be downloaded from different sources at the same time
  • PowerFolder can transmit data both online and directly in the LAN network (or VPN)
  • So you can work with documents already locally on other computers, even if the upload to the cloud is not yet completed
  • PowerFolder uses peer-2-peer technology for faster transmission
PowerFolder is a product of a German company, with no branches abroad and no outsourced development. Our servers are only in Germany and we are subject exclusively to German and European law.

This is important because:

  • We are committed to the strict German data protection law
  • We are committed to data economy by law
  • Foreign governments can not request data about our users from us
  • Foreign governments can not force us to transfer data from European users to servers in their country (as is the case with media at Google and Microsoft)
  • International companies must disclose all information about their users on request (such as the NSA) and are not allowed to communicate it.
  • Non-European courts have no jurisdiction over us German companies can not legally sell their user data (as Facebook does)
  • Uploading personal data to American cloud services is de facto punishable for German users, as it can not be guaranteed that this data will not be disclosed
  • And of course we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation
Free file Sync and share solution as private cloud or public cloud
PowerFolder as a Cloud (SaaS)
contact us and find out what we can do for you
See the sync and share features

PowerFolder  / dal33t GmbH/ Emanuel-Leutze-Straße 11 /40547 Düsseldorf/ VAT Nummer: DE277623297 / HRB 79870, Amtsgericht Düsseldorf / CEO: Christian Sprajc
