ONLYOFFICE: PowerFolder with Document Editors in the Cloud
DNDi: PowerFolder increases investment in E-Health
Italian cloud service provider, Factor-y, signs deal with PowerFolder to provide a secure ‘sync-and-share’ solution in Italy
We have signed a deal with Factor-y, an Italian Cloud Service Provider headquartered in Mariano Comense, to integrate our software under a white label model for its channel network in Italy.
D2D Connect / PowerFolder: Mobile devices create their own network for file sharing
Safety and convenience: PowerFolder provides its customers their own private Cloud for Free!
Those who want to save their private or business related data in a cloud do this best on their own hardware. PowerFolder offers all users a free On-Premise- / In-House-Version which can be installed on private server. This way you will create your own private sync and share cloud independent from external services.
U.S. based cloud provider, O4IT signs deal with German company to provide a secure ‘sync-and-share’ solution in the Americas
O4IT integrates PowerFolder as a component of its cloud based data sharing portfolio.
A European Business-Cloud Solution for cooperation, filesharing, data synchronization and social business.
PowerFolder Sync & Share: Continuous growth with partners
realized by using a software from Meerbusch near Düsseldorf. What PowerFolder is capable of, you
can learn at CeBIT at the Stand of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia,
Hall 06/Stand F18.
Baden-Württemberg strengthens with PowerFolder Sync and Share its leading position as a centre of research
PRISM-Scandal doesn’t affect PowerFolder-User
New service “GWDG Cloud Share“ simplifies mobile computing
PowerFolder now assisting Aerospace
PowerFolder secures German research results
Students in Luxemburg learn using PowerFolder In-House Cloud