Provide your users and customers with a file sync and share solution and enable them to:
- Share and send files of any size easily via any device, web or Outlook
- Backup their documents automatically, easily and in real-time from any device
- Collaborate and edit one document simultaneously with multiple users
- Access their latest documents on any mobile device and computer
- Have an Easy way to access the latest documents securly from any device
- Work locally, while syncing only the changed part of a file
- Sync, share and backup any folder without the need to restructure file-systems
- Have a secure and easy to use Dropbox and FTP replacement
- Restore deleted or corrupted files within minutes on their own
PowerFolder provides many ways to make sure that your colleagues and customers can work more efficiently, in any location and on any device. In addition it does not force your users to change the way they work, it simply removes existing restrictions from collaboration, offers new ways of teamwork and makes sure that file transfers are handled more efficiently and automatically in the background.

Use a Private cloud within your company and gain control and security
- Keep your business documents securely in your own private cloud
- Or use the PowerFolder public cloud for smaller installations
- Control your users, groups and folders via a central web interface
- Allow self service for groups and organisations and stay in charge
- Set permissions for folders, users, groups and organisations
- Ensure security with state of the art RSA and AES encryption
- Gain control with remote deletion features and password protected access
- Keep your documents protected with real-time backup and a file history
- Setup and maintain BOYD Scenarios fast and easily
Independent if you are using our public or your own local private cloud, PowerFolder serves the user and empowers the admin. Business documents deserve protection and PowerFolder enables the admin to control access and policies – in bulk or per user naturally on any device. And while your users have always the latest documents, previous versions are still available and easily accessible.

Standard Use-cases for PowerFolder File Sync

Scale-able, reliable and configurable solutions for your enterprise and custom scenario

- Setup a high available file sync and share private cloud within your company
- Have a branded fully integrated collaboration platform to work with externals
- Integrate easily with all kind of authentication systems and migrate your users
- Import users from LDAP /AD and permissions from NTFS
- Use your existing file servers without the need to restructure your file systems
- Sync multiple file servers and connect branch offices
- Create profiles for users and usergroups to apply settings and permissions
- Integrate via API, profiles and scripts into your existing systems
- Utilize your existing, hardware, infrastructure and unused resources
PowerFolder can be setup as a private cloud within minutes and is easily connected with your LDAP/AD/RADIUS and your storage systems to make sure that you have a working system in the shortest possible time. Provisioning and permissions via user profiles and assignment of access rights based on exiting NTFS permissions take manual work out of your hands, and give you full control instead. But every scenario is different so do not hesitate to contact us to find out how we can make your scenario work – together.
Soft Features – Low maintenance, reliability and premium support

- PowerFolder is in active use in scenarios with 500.000 users
- Stability first development – to ensure that your systems remain stable
- Low maintenance solution – to ensure that you can focus on other tasks
- Regular reviews from internal and external to ensure stability and security
- Premium support and setup assistance – to create the solution you need
- Technology collaborations with the leading universities of Germany
- On site, Phone, email and remote support in customize-able SLA.
- Enterprise custom feature development
PowerFolder file sync and share is running multiple large scale installations with up to 500.000 users in the private and public sector. When so many users rely on our solution we have to focus on stability first, while we develop our products carefully and in collaboration with leading experts from German universities. Beyond this our Team of software engineers, technical consultants and support staff is always ready to assist you to make sure that you always have the solution you need – reliable, secure and scale-able.
File sync and share solutions for your industry

The easy file sync solution, for your company or at home. Keep your documents privately in our European cloud. Comfortably collaborate and share files from mobile devices and computers.

Create your own protected documents space for your company in a own private cloud or in our European cloud and boost collaboration and efficiency in your company, while you enhance security.

Provide your customers with a secure and easy to use sync, share, collaboration and backup cloud or private cloud. Get a solution which is Brand-able, Scale-able and comes with multi-tenant support, on attractive partner terms.

Setup a completely integrated private cloud within your university or research institute and enable employees, students and researchers to collaborate on sensible documents and exchange them in an protected environment.